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Innovative Safety-Critical Embedded Hardware Solutions

Today, hardware designing requires rapid innovation to match the ever-increasing sophistication of firmware and software. For safety-critical industries, the layer of safety compliance makes hardware designing adds another layer of constraints. It is crucial for safety-critical hardware to perform continuously and properly; even in case of failure, the system should perform gracefully.

Safety-Critical Hardware and PCB Design Services

Engineers at Powersoft19 have expertise in designing safe and fault tolerant safety-critical hardware. Our team excels in PCB layout designing from scratch as well as customizing the industry’s standard open source hardware.

Firmware Architecture for Industries

We have been successfully designing hardware for safety-critical systems that meet the highest international industry standards. We have wide experience of designing complex safety-critical hardware compliant to DO (Dependability Operational) 254 and EN (European Norm) 62061 standards. The typical industries that employ our safety-critical hardware include Automotive, Healthcare, Rail, Aviation, Mining, and Material Handling.