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Customized RFID-Enabled Solutions

Innovative enterprises are now transforming their assets into intelligence hot spots. Smart machines and assets equipped with sensing and communication abilities contribute to the business profitability by automatically performing many tasks that which were previously carried out by humans.

RFID Tracking and Access Control Solutions

Make the management of your industrial and enterprise operations easier with RFID-enabled tracking and access control solutions. With automated operations enabled by RFID solutions, you can generate a stream of data related to your critical machines and assets. This data proves invaluable for predictive maintenance, billing, and telemetry reporting. Powersoft19 brings ready solutions in the form of M2M apps customized for specific vertical markets built in line with the industry’s standards. Our RFID-enabled solutions serve all major verticals like power, transportation, healthcare, logistics, manufacturing, aerospace, and utilities, to name a few.

While asset tracking, remote monitoring, and access control are the major impact areas of RFID solutions, we also build customized applications for each industry. The following table provides a selective list of typical applications for some of our served industries.

Quality Checking (QC) and Bill of Material (BoM) verification for airborne assets
Predictive maintenance with integrated inventory of parts
Remote monitoring of fixed field infrastructure like poles, generators, and power plant inventory
Monitoring of patients and residents of old age homes
Automated personnel management for emergency response
Location and inventory tracking of life saving equipment and drugs
Transportation (Rail)
Position determination system to track the exact position of high value moving assets in real time
Predictive maintenance of locomotives
RFID Access Control for vaults and other secure areas
Tracking of high value assets during transportation
Personnel identification for reinforced security