Corporate Social Responsibility
The Reach of Our Corporate Social Responsibility
As a company focused on people, we are mindful of our social responsibility, and we fulfill it in its true spirit. Starting from our responsibilities towards our current and prospective team members, we extend our reach to the entire society with a series of initiatives.
Equal Employment Opportunity
We go to great lengths to encourage passionate, skilled, and eligible people who can prosper in our company culture. We offer equal opportunities to every eligible person, regardless of their background, gender, creed, race, and physical impairments.
Health and Safety of Our Team
We safeguard the health and safety of each team member while at work and afterwards. Our most popular initiatives include free health care, health awareness workshops, and promotion of a healthier lifestyle.
Initiatives for Society
We have established various education, health, and sports funds for underprivileged sectors of the society. To learn more about these initiatives or to be a part of such activities, you can contact us.
Initiatives for Environment
We manage our valuable resources systematically and aim for the optimal balance of achieving more with less in every business operation. This means using technology in newer, more efficient, and environmentally friendly ways with the least impact on the environment.